Sunday, November 25, 2012

Linux Environment Variables by using export or not

Using export and not using export - environment variables

and then, regardless of what directory you are in, you can issue
cd $code
to pop over quickly to the directory containing the source code for that way-cool spew program you're developing. (The cd command means "change directory.")
A variable assignment like this will work just fine, but its scope (visibility) is limited to the current shell. If you launch a program or enter another shell, that child task will not know about your environment variables unless you export them first.
Unless you know for sure that an environment variable will have meaning only in the current shell, it's a good idea to always useexport when creating variables to ensure they will be global in scope--for example,
export PS1="\u \$ "
export code=$HOME/projects/src/spew
And be sure to add these commands to your .profile file so you won't have to retype them eac h time you log in.

export makes the variable available to sub-processes.
That is,
export name=value
means that the variable name is available to any process you run from that shell process. If you want a process to make use of this variable, use export, and run the process from that shell.
means the variable scope is restricted to the shell, and is not available to any other process. You would use this for (say) loop variables, temporary variables etc.

Specifically export makes the variable available to child processes via the environment. – Beano Jul 21 '09 at 13:35

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How to use Flask micro-framework

Where does one draw the distinction between micro- and megaframeworks? Or, for that reference, just a "framework"?

The difference between a library and a framework is simply that you call the library whereas the framework calls you. The framework provides a frame into which you put your code as opposed to a library which you use as part of your code.
Generally I would consider any framework which requires (almost) no setup requirements to be a microframework. This is opposed to frameworks which require a basic configuration, directory layout or certain files to be present.
However there are a lot of other people with other definitions regarding this, the distinction is not at all very clear for example there are people that consider being written in a single file to be a distinguishing feature of microframeworks.


from flask import Flask, render_template as template, request, make_response, jsonify, abort from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

from bottle import route, run, template, install, static_file, response import bottle

What is the g object in Flask?

Monday, November 19, 2012

How do I enable remote access to my Postgre database?

The actual file contents you used:

How do I enable remote access to my Postgre database?

External PostgreSQL connections

1. To be able to reach the server remotely you have to add the following line into the file:/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf:
listen_addresses = '*'
2. PostgreSQL, by default, refuses all connections it receives from any remote address. You have to relax these rules by adding this line to /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf:
host all all md5
This is an access control rule that lets anyone login from any address if a valid password is provided (the md5 keyword). You can use your network/mask instead of to only allow access from certain IP addresses.
3. When you have applied these modifications to your configuration files, you will need to restart the PostgreSQL server.
/etc/init.d/postgresql start

Edit the file:
$ vi /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
$ vi /etc/postgresql/8.2/main/pg_hba.conf
Append the following configuration lines to give access to network:
host all all trust
Save and close the file. Make sure you replace with actual network IP address range of the clients system in your own network.

installing postgresql on debian 6

postgres allow remote connection

sqlalchemy postgres connection string

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine('postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost:5432/mydatabase')
The above engine creates a Dialect object tailored towards PostgreSQL, as well as a Pool object which will establish a DBAPI connection at localhost:5432 when a connection request is first received. Note that the Engine and its underlying Pool do not establish the first actual DBAPI connection until theEngine.connect() method is called, or an operation which is dependent on this method such asEngine.execute() is invoked. In this way, Engine and Pool can be said to have a lazy initializationbehavior.


MySQLdb will accommodate Python unicode objects if the use_unicode=1 parameter, or the charsetparameter, is passed as a connection argument.
Without this setting, many MySQL server installations default to a latin1 encoding for client connections, which has the effect of all data being converted into latin1, even if you have utf8 or another character set configured on your tables and columns. With versions 4.1 and higher, you can change the connection character set either through server configuration or by including the charsetparameter. The charset parameter as received by MySQL-Python also has the side-effect of enablinguse_unicode=1:
# set client encoding to utf8; all strings come back as unicode
Manually configuring use_unicode=0 will cause MySQL-python to return encoded strings:
# set client encoding to utf8; all strings come back as utf8 str

Known Issues

MySQL-python version 1.2.2 has a serious memory leak related to unicode conversion, a feature which is disabled via use_unicode=0. It is strongly advised to use the latest version of MySQL-Python.

The possible privileges are:
Allows SELECT from any column of the specified table, view, or sequence. Also allows the use of COPY TO. This privilege is also needed to reference existing column values in UPDATE or DELETE. For sequences, this privilege also allows the use of the currval function.
Allows INSERT of a new row into the specified table. Also allows COPY FROM.
Allows UPDATE of any column of the specified table. (In practice, any nontrivial UPDATE command will require SELECT privilege as well, since it must reference table columns to determine which rows to update, and/or to compute new values for columns.) SELECT ... FOR UPDATE and SELECT ... FOR SHARE also require this privilege, in addition to the SELECT privilege. For sequences, this privilege allows the use of the nextval andsetval functions.
Allows DELETE of a row from the specified table. (In practice, any nontrivial DELETE command will require SELECT privilege as well, since it must reference table columns to determine which rows to delete.)
Allows the creation of a rule on the table/view. (See the CREATE RULE statement.)
To create a foreign key constraint, it is necessary to have this privilege on both the referencing and referenced tables.

what is the subnet for 192.168

Ths is an Internet Protocol (IPv4) Subnet Chart. You can use this to quickly look up how your might need to subnet your network. At the bottom there is a quick how-to on calculating subnets.
For more information on subnetting, see RFC 1817 and RFC 1812.
Class address ranges:
  • Class A = to
  • Class B = to
  • Class C = to
Reserved address ranges for private (non-routed) use (see RFC 1918):
  • ->
  • ->
  • ->
Other reserved addresses:
  • is reserved for loopback and IPC on the local host
  • -> is reserved for multicast addresses
Chart notes:
  • Number of Subnets - "( )" Refers to the number of effective subnets, since the use of subnet numbers of all 0s or all 1s is highly frowned upon and RFC non-compliant.
  • Number of Hosts - Refers to the number of effective hosts, excluding the network and broadcast address.

Class A
Network BitsSubnet MaskNumber of SubnetsNumber of Hosts
/9255.128.0.02 (0)8388606
/10255.192.0.04 (2)4194302
/11255.224.0.08 (6)2097150
/12255.240.0.016 (14)1048574
/13255.248.0.032 (30)524286
/14255.252.0.064 (62)262142
/15255.254.0.0128 (126)131070
/16255.255.0.0256 (254)65534
/17255.255.128.0512 (510)32766
/18255.255.192.01024 (1022)16382
/19255.255.224.02048 (2046)8190
/20255.255.240.04096 (4094)4094
/21255.255.248.08192 (8190)2046
/22255.255.252.016384 (16382)1022
/23255.255.254.032768 (32766)510
/24255.255.255.065536 (65534)254

Class B
Network BitsSubnet MaskNumber of SubnetsNumber of Hosts

Class C
Network BitsSubnet MaskNumber of SubnetsNumber of Hosts

postgresql conf on postgres 8.4

Postgre config file locations

18.2. File Locations

In addition to the postgresql.conf file already mentioned, PostgreSQL uses two other manually-edited configuration files, which control client authentication (their use is discussed in Chapter 19). By default, all three configuration files are stored in the database cluster's data directory. The parameters described in this section allow the configuration files to be placed elsewhere. (Doing so can ease administration. In particular it is often easier to ensure that the configuration files are properly backed-up when they are kept separate.)
data_directory (string)
Specifies the directory to use for data storage. This parameter can only be set at server start.
config_file (string)
Specifies the main server configuration file (customarily called postgresql.conf). This parameter can only be set on the postgres command line.
hba_file (string)
Specifies the configuration file for host-based authentication (customarily called pg_hba.conf). This parameter can only be set at server start.
ident_file (string)
Specifies the configuration file for Section 19.2 username mapping (customarily called pg_ident.conf). This parameter can only be set at server start.
external_pid_file (string)
Specifies the name of an additional process-id (PID) file that the server should create for use by server administration programs. This parameter can only be set at server start.
In a default installation, none of the above parameters are set explicitly. Instead, the data directory is specified by the -D command-line option or the PGDATA environment variable, and the configuration files are all found within the data directory.

debian6 install php

debian6 install php

apache virtual host file location linux

Now, we specified a new host to apache but it is not yet linked to the repertory where apache actually look for virtual hosts. Let go to:
$cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
and create a link to the file we just created:
$sudo ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/
Now apache is almost ready to restart, but before doing so, we must inform our linux system that and are not to be looked for on the net, but on the local machine instead.
To do so, simply edit /etc/hosts and add the new host names at the end of the line beginning by, which is localhost.
In the end, your file should look like: localhost.localdomain localhost
And now we are done, simply reload apache:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
Open your web browser and enter the following address Magic, it runs the same as when you were using http://localhost/~myuser/ but it is far more usefull when devellopping a web service and want to be able to develop applications on your machine just like it is where the real web site.
Edit: As you can see from the comments, many people pointed out that you can use a debian specific command (so if you are not using a debian based system, don't expect to find that command :) ).
to enable a new virtual host simply type:
sudo a2ensite mysiteavailable-site
to disable a virtual host:
sudo a2dissite mysiteavailable-site
where mysiteavailable-site is the name of the virtual hos you want to enable/disable, so in out example:
Hope this helped.

How do I create a symbolic link?
For example:
ln -s /usr/local/apache/logs ./logs
This points a symbolic link "./logs" to "/usr/local/apache/logs"

On my server I use the  'DirectoryIndex' directive and make sure index.php is listed there.  Then whenever you hit that directory it will search for 'index' files in the order they are listed in the DirectoryIndex directive.  I change the order around depending on if a site will be mostly serving up .html files or .php or something else...

Here is an example snipped out of my Vhosts.conf file...

ServerPath /var/www/html/domainname/joomla
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/domainname/joomla

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.cgi index.shtml index.htm

problem: apache downloads php file instead of executing AND how to change hosts file on Debian6

problem: apache downloads php file instead of executing

apache download php file instead executing
and then clear the local browser cache

Re: apache/php, serving php files for download instead of executing them

first, install libapache2-mod-php5

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5
Then enable it

sudo a2enmod php5
Restart paache

sudo service apache2 restart
Clear your cache on your browser, and re-load the page.

Changing Hosts file on Debian6
how to change hosts in debian6

Save and close the file. You may also need to edit the /etc/hosts file, enter:
# vi /etc/hosts
Find all references to server1 and replace with server2: localhost server2
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
Save and close the file. Please note that the host name is usually set once at system startup in /etc/init.d/ (normally by reading the contents of a file which contains the host name, e.g. /etc/hostname). Just type the following command to apply new changes without rebooting the server:
# /etc/init.d/ start

TAL, phpTAL, cheatsheets


This is also a way to "comment" things out of your code.
<tal:comment tal:replace="nothing">
Nothing between the opening and closing tal:comment tags will show up in the browser.
You can write what you like in here.
It's a great way of putting documentation into your templates.
Note, we don't have to say "tal:comment". We could say tal:aadvark or tal:teakettle or tal:whateverWeLike.
However, "tal:comment" is a useful convention to indicate to anyone reading the template that this is likely to be...
(gasp) a comment.

PHPTAL is a templating engine for PHP5 that implements brilliant Zope Page Templates syntax:
<div class="item" tal:repeat="item itemsArray">
    <span tal:condition="item/hasDate" tal:replace="item/getDate"/>
    <a href="${item/getUrl}" tal:content="item/getTitle"/>
  <p tal:content="value/getContent"/>
PHPTAL is fast thanks to compiled templates and fine-grained caching. Makes it easy to generate well-formed XML/XHTML (protected against XSS attacks). PHPTAL's code is mature and improving. Released free under LGPL.
See the introduction.

allows to omit the start and end tag and only render the content if the given expression is true.
if an error occurs, this attribute works like the content tag.


According to the HTTP 1.1 specification:
The fundamental difference between the POST and PUT requests is reflected in the different meaning of the Request-URI. The URI in a POST request identifies the resource that will handle the enclosed entity. That resource might be a data-accepting process, a gateway to some other protocol, or a separate entity that accepts annotations. In contrast, the URI in a PUT request identifies the entity enclosed with the request — the user agent knows what URI is intended and the server MUST NOT attempt to apply the request to some other resource. If the server desires that the request be applied to a different URI, it MUST send a 301 (Moved Permanently) response; the user agent MAY then make its own decision regarding whether or not to redirect the request.

I just read the famous article "How I explained REST to my wife" Needless to say, I had a suspicion before and I am now convinced that RESTful is the best way to design a web application.

It is not about browsers but about version of HTML used to define the form - both HTML 4.01 a XHTML 1.0 (I'm not sure about HTML 5) supports only GET and POST as method of HTML form. If you want to use PUT and DELETE you must either use JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest directly or some JavaScript library which simplifies this (like jQuery).

HTML forms support GET and POST. (HTML5 at one point added PUT/DELETE, but those were dropped.)
XMLHttpRequest supports every method, including CHICKEN, though some method names are matched against case-insensitively (methods are case-sensitive per HTTP) and some method names are not supported at all for security reasons (e.g. CONNECT).
Browsers are slowly converging on the rules specified by XMLHttpRequest, but as the other comment pointed out there are still some differences.


POST is similar to PUT, and therefore confusing. POST also creates a resource, like PUT. The key difference is that POST is used when the server is in control of storing information, not the client. This is usually the case when posting a blog entry, for example. If the client wishes to create a new blog entry, it is the server that is responsible for storing the information in a database and assigning a unique value and/or URI to the newly posted content.
POST is also the appropriate tool to use when the operation does not result in the creation of a resource, but perhaps the invocation of some action. As an example, using a web-based form to transmit an email message would be an appropriate use of POST.
OK, that last sentence will raise a few eyebrows in the REST community. But, alas, what system exists where there are not some "things" that do something, other than store information? If one wishes to transmit an e-mail message, for example, POST is the method to use. In that case, some action is performed, but a new resource is not created as a consequence.

Safety and Idempotence

There are two other terms associated with REST that you should know, simply because they appear in all of the literate related to REST. Those are the words "safe" and "idempotent". These words do not come from Fielding's original PhD thesis on REST, but do appear in RFC 2616 and have been popularized through the book RESTful Web Services from O'Reilly.
The word "safe" means that if a given HTTP method is invoked, the resource state on the server remains unchanged. In theory, GET is always safe. No matter how many times you download this web page, the contents of it will not change due to your repeated downloads, since you cannot change the web page in that way. That sounds obvious, but if you build a RESTful web service that uses GET in such a way as to modify any state contained within a resource, then you have violated the rules.
PUT is not safe, because if you store something on the server, then you are creating a new resource or you are modifying a resource. (Of course, one might modify a resource to contain the same representation, but that is a corner case and not the general rule we apply to PUT.)
DELETE is clearly not safe.
HEAD is safe for all the same reasons that GET is safe.
So, what about POST? Some argue that POST is not safe. But, we argue that "it depends". If a POST operation is used to create a resource (e.g., a blog entry), then it is not safe. However, if POST is used to send an e-mail, then why would it not be considered safe? In the latter case, the state of the resource did not change. As such, it is safe.
The word "idempotent" means that, regardless of how many times a given method is invoked, the end result is the same. GET and HEAD are idempotent. GET and HEAD are both safe and idempotent, actually.
PUT is also idempotent. If you issue PUT 100 times, the resource state on the server is exactly the same as if you use the PUT method one time.
DELETE is also idempotent. If you delete a resource once, it is gone. One cannot delete it again and, if one tried, it would have obviously not make state changes to the resource, since there is no resource to change.
So, what about POST? As you can tell, POST is really the "problem child" for REST. It is somewhat ill-defined in the HTTP specifications and does not map perfectly to the concepts of REST. Most of the time, POST is not idempotent, as we will discuss below. However, if the server state is not changed as a consequence of issuing a POST, it is idempotent. In most cases, though, a POST is used to create or modify a resource, and often not idempotent.
Have you ever visited a web site to post an article or blog entry, or make a payment and accidentally press "submit" twice? Often, the server will accept that and perform the request two times, because POST is not idempotent. To be useful, though, one might design a means of using POST in such a way as to make it idempotent. There are a few non-standard mechanisms out there for that, the most common approach being to use POST to first create a new resource used to accept a subsequent POST method. Then, once the POST method is received for the given resource, the resource refuses to accept any additional POST requests.
This probably requires a more concrete example. Suppose you wish to post a blog entry. You might press the "post a blog entry" link, which might result in creating a resource called "" and your web browser is now showing a web form that allows you to type the contents of the blog. When you press the "submit" button, the HTTP POST is issued to the URL "" and, once that is received, and further posting attempts are rejected. If you had inadvertently clicked on the "post a blog entry" two times, two different blog posting resources might have been created (e.g., 122 and 123), but the first one (122) should be deleted automatically at some point, restoring the server state with no ill side-effects. But, since there are no standard procedures, then we cannot tell you exactly how to implement the logic. Hopefully, you get some idea.

Each request contains a URL, so the server knows which resource you want to access, but it can also contain a method. A method describes what to do with that resource.
But this "method" concept wasn't used very often.
Usually, people would just link to pages via the GET method, and issue any type of updates (deletions, insertions, updates) via the POST method.
And because of that you couldn't treat one resource (URL) as a true resource in itself. You had to have separate URLs for deletion, insertion or update of the same resource. For example: POST request  -> Goes to posts.create() method in the server GET request  -> Goes to method in the server - POST request  -> Goes to posts.delete(1) method in the server POST request  -> Goes to posts.edit(1) method in the server
With REST, you create forms that are smarter because they use other HTTP methods aside of POST, and program your server to be able to distinguish between methods, not only URLS. So for example: - POST request  -> Goes to posts.create() method in the server - GET request  -> Goes to method in the server - DELETE request  -> Goes to posts.delete(1) method in the server - PUT request  -> Goes to posts.edit(1) method in the server
Remember, a single URL describes a single resource. A single post is a single resource. With REST you treat resources the way they were meant to be treated. You're telling the server which resource you want to handle, and how to handle it.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

python how to write a generator

python how to write a generator

streaming-a-csv-file-in-django , stream-an-httpresponse-with-django

django return response large

Send large files through Django, and how to generate Zip files

django stream file in response
MAIN CSV in-memory file csv writer.

Piston is a relatively small Django application that lets you
create application programming interfaces (API) for your sites.

from django.views.decorators.http import condition

def stream_response(request):
    resp = HttpResponse( stream_response_generator(), mimetype='text/html')
    return resp

def stream_response_generator():
    yield "<html><body>\n"
    for x in range(1,11):
        yield "<div>%s</div>\n" % x
        yield " " * 1024  # Encourage browser to render incrementally
    yield "</body></html>\n"

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

custom_generator(arg_generator, firstline):

def main():
    def custom_generator(arg_generator, firstline):
        yield firstline
        for x in arg_generator:
            yield x

    the_data = [1,2,3,4,5]
    firstline = ["BOM"]

    x = custom_generator(the_data, firstline)
    print x

##    for x in custom_generator(the_data, firstline):
##        print x

if __name__ == '__main__':

Sunday, November 4, 2012

web tool format html - htmltidy

web tool format html

HTML5 Tables

html5 table

Absolute Basic Table markup:

Absolute Basic Table Template

Because, sometimes it’s all you need. Thanks to Helen for the idea.
  <td>Obi Wan Kenobi</td>
Thanks to the amazing powers of CSS3, even the most basic table can be transformed into brilliant works of art, displaying data as clearly and succinctly as possible. Nice :)

html table
Not supported in HTML5. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.Specifies the alignment of a table according to surrounding text
Not supported in HTML5. Deprecated in HTML 4.01.Spec

CSS > Selector


CSS Selector Reference

element>elementdiv>pSelects all <p> elements where the parent is a <div> element2
element+elementdiv+pSelects all <p> elements that are placed immediately after <div> elements

[attribute][target]Selects all elements with a target attribute2
[attribute=value][target=_blank]Selects all elements with target="_blank"2
[attribute~=value][title~=flower]Selects all elements with a title attribute containing the word "flower"2
[attribute|=value][lang|=en]Selects all elements with a lang attribute value starting with "en"2
:linka:linkSelects all unvisited links1
:visiteda:visitedSelects all visited links1
:activea:activeSelects the active link1
:hovera:hoverSelects links on mouse over1
:focusinput:focusSelects the input element which has focus

jquery mobile forms validation

jquery mobile forms validation

JQM (jQueryMobile) HTML5 Form Validation

Need to add form validation for each form and wanted to take advantage of the html5 syntax, that's why I liked the h5validate plugin but everything I try nothing happens, ugh...
I've also looked at the jQuery Validation plugin but the additional syntax and markup is something I'm trying to avoid. And I've looked at HTML5FORM but it is using jQuery 1.4.2 and I'm using 1.5.x
Wanted to know if anyone else had any luck with html5 and multi form validation submission?


I have had success with multi forms with the validationEngine.js plugin from here
Example here:
Hope this helps?

ValidVal is what I'm going with, it has all the simple syntax and takes advantage of the html5 attributes for validation

I'm trying to use form validation that is working in this example with my jQuery Mobile project:
This example works but uses an older version of jQuery Mobile js and css files. I'm working with the 1.0 release version which appears to have broken this form validation. You can see my updated version at:
You'll notice when you click the Login button you get the alert messages but they are not in red and are in the wrong location compared to the original version.
Can anyone locate what broke the original version and how to restore functionality to new version using jQuery Mobile 1.0?

Try this: